Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What traditions or rituals do they follow?

THe rituals that protestants follow are where the most important service is on sunday which most protestants attend which generally include singing, prayer and a sermon. and also baptism which is a ceromony usually done to infants although can be done at any age that re-creates Jesus baptism and also communion which is a ceremony that re-creates Jesus breaking the bread and sharing of the wine which he gave to his diciples at the last supper.

How does your sect differ from the other branches within the major religion?

Protestintism differs from the other branches of christianity The rituals of baptism and the Lord's Supper have been among the most important and contentious aspects of Protestantism. These practices embody important theological differences that distinguish the branches of Protestant Christianity. Also what seperates it is that protestants only have two sacraments baptism and the lords supper. Also that the bible for protestants they believe  that the Bible alone is the sole source of God’s special revelation to mankind, and as such it teaches us all that is necessary for our salvation from sin. Protestants view the Bible as the standard by which all Christian behavior must be measureed. Also that infants should be baptized as a way to connect with God and that the lord supper is physical Jesuses body and blood.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFqWnEpZvjs

What is the place of worship? What are the major features of this place?

The place that protestants worship is atg a church. All the branches of protestant churches vary depending on the branch but one way they have looked is like this with the focal point of nearly every Lutheran church is the altar, which is located at the front of the church in the so-called chancel, which is reserved for clergy and their assistants.Congregants usually sit in the so-called nave, facing the chancel. The chancel usually is separated from the nave by a railing at which people kneel when they receive Communion. Many Lutheran churches also are designed to accommodate large organs since Lutheran services are highly musical.   Most are adorned with beautiful statuary, paintings, and elaborate reredos. Some of the larger churches and cathedrals are built in the form of a cross, with side altars and chapels. Since these Lutheran churches are in northern Europe, most are Gothic. A few of the oldest ones are romanesque. They include many of the largest and most impressive European cathedrals. When baroque architecture became popular during the 17th and 18th centuries, many European Lutheran churches were built in this style. Many Lutheran churches built during this period are notable for their elegant brass chandeliers and the oil portraits of clergy and bishops that line the walls. Many of these churches also have stained glass windows.Lutheran churches built in Europe and the United States during the 19th century tended to be built in the neo-Gothic style that also was popular with many other denominations. Many were notable for their tall thin spires.Many Lutheran churches built in Europe and the United States during the 20th and 21st centuries have featured innovative  modern designs.Lutheran churches in the United States generally have been less richly decorated than their European counterparts. This also tends to be true of the growing Lutheran churches of Africa and Asia. This may reflect economic  restraints as much as taste.  American Lutheran churches constructed during the 19th and early 20th century usually had reredos, stained glass windows, and at least some statuary, but many of those built in the past half century have been plain and even stark, even though virtually all have continued to give the altar the place of premisyand have preferred the bare cross.

Mainly most protestant churches where similar to this using all the different styles like Gothic, neo- Gothic, romanesque, and Boroque architecture.

What are the demographics of where this sect can be found? How many people practice this?

Protestantism can be mainly found in north America in the United States and also in Europe with many in ireland although its members are declining also in Africa and Asia with a growing  number of members. Their are 5 million protestants in the world today.

How and where did this particular branch develop?

THis Branch developed in Germany in the 16th century when Reformation begun by Martin Luther.
Protestant communities share their Christian beginnings with every other Christian tradition, namely in the life and death of Jesus Christ and in the believing community he established. Nevertheless, they trace their contemporary roots to the corruption of the late medieval Roman Catholic church and to the desire to reform it. In its earliest movements, Protestantism was meant to be an internal renewal, not a new branch of Christianity.The name "Protestant" was coined in 1529 when the Lutheran princes in Germany "protested" against the Diet of Speyer, a meeting that reaffirmed the condemnation of Martin Luther's teachings at the 1521 Diet of Worms. All protestant religions trace their begginings back to the reform begun in 1517 by Martin Luther.

Monday, February 6, 2012

How does this monotheistic religion differ from the other two major monotheistic religions?

Christianity differs from the other to monotheistic religions because christians believe in their idea of God is called the Trinity or three in one because Christians believe that god has three parts God the Father, God The Son(Jesus Christ), and th Holy Spirit ( Gods Presence on earth). Also that Christians believe in original sin and that Jesus died on the cross for us in our place to save us from that sin and that he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven and all christians believe in heaven and that those who sincerely repent their sins before God will be saved and join Him in Heaven. Also the Belief in Hell and satan although they vary among groups. And that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was sent to save us from our sins and died on the cross and rose again on the third day and went into heaven. And that is how Christianity differs from the other Monotheistic religions.

What holy book do they use and what holy days do they observe?

The Holy Book that the protestants use is the Bible. Some of the Holy days that Protestants observe are Christmas, Easter, Ash Wednesday, Good friday, and Advent. Christmas is when Protestants celebrate the birth of Jesus who was concived by the holy spirit and born of the virgin mary in Bethlehem. Easter also known as passover is about when Protestants celebrate the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for there sins.